Intel seeks to Intervene in ISDN tariff proceeding [cr-951230]


Richard Moore

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995
Sender: Don Bass <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Intel seeks to Intervene in WA USWEST ISDN tariff proceeding (fwd)


        I have a fundamental ignorance here.On what basis would the
utility change the price from a to b? Is there a reason/rationale, or is
it subjective? Why $184, not $181?

        With a fundamental ignorance,

Don Bass

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 1995
From: James Love <•••@••.•••>
To: Multiple recipients of list <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Intel seeks to Intervene in WA USWEST ISDN tariff proceeding

TAP-INFO - An Internet newsletter available from •••@••.•••
December 29, 1995

-  Intel files motion to Intervene in Washington State US West ISDN tariff
   proceeding, where USWEST seeks $184 residential ISDN tariff.

-  Intel asks WUTC to consider greater input from "PC industry
   participants and the on-line community"

-  Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC)
   to take comments by email on Intel Motion [send to:
   •••@••.•••].  Public Comments must be
   received by January 8 at 8:30 am.

   James Love (•••@••.•••, 202/387-8030)
   Consumer Project on Technology

December 29, 1995

Today Intel filed a motion to Intervene in the Washington State
residential ISDN tariff proceeding.  Intel's motion sought "limited
intervention" on the question of the public notice and timing of the
tariff proceeding.  USWEST sought to include a proposed 300 percent
increase in its flat rate ISDN tariff in an ongoing telephone rate
proceeding.  Intel argues that the recent addition of the ISDN rate hikes
required separate notice for the ISDN pricing issues, and that the WUTC
would benefit from greater participation by the public, including "PC
industry participants and the on-line community."

Intel and others hope to focus the WUTC's attention on the large public
policy issues for ISDN pricing.  Microsoft founder Bill Gates's 1995 Book,
the Road Ahead, recommends a residential ISDN tariff of less than $20 per
month [page 101], while the new USWEST proposal is for a flat rate of $184
per month (plus other metered or fixed hour options).  At present the WA
USWEST ISDN tariff is $63 per month, flat rate -- roughly four times the
cost of POTS.  (In Washington, DC the PSC staff just recommended a flat
rate tariff of $32 per month for Bell Atlantic).

While Bill Gates says, in his book, "We are among companies working to
convince phone companies all over the world to lower these charges in
order to encourage PC owners to connect, using ISDN," Microsoft has yet
to speak out on the USWEST ISDN tariff for Washington State, his own

Comments in support of Intel's motion must be filed with the WUTC by
January 8, 1996 at 8:30 AM.  The WUTC is supposed to rule on the Intel
motion on January 9.  It's hard to predict the outcome.  If the Intel
motion is granted, it may be possible to get the WUTC to take a much
harder look at the ISDN pricing.  Comments on the Intel motion can raise a
wide range of issues about the USWEST tariff.  If you think $63 per month
is too high - say so.  If you think $184 is too high - say so.  If you
think $20 per month is reasonable (the cost of POTS plus a few dollars),
then say so. Say also why the Comission should care about ISDN pricing.

The WUTC told me today that people can file comments on this issue by
electronic mail, using the WUTC Webmaster address. (given below)  Mention
the Docket number [UT-950200], and that you are commenting in support of
Intel's motion to intervene in the USWEST ISDN tariff proceeding, and
that you want the Commission to lower the USWEST ISDN tariff, not raise
it.  The lawyer for Intel is Dhruv Khanna.  He can be reached on the
Internet at •••@••.•••

Contact information for the WUTC follows

Washington Utilities And Transportation Commission
Chandler Plaza Building
P. O. Box 47250
Olympia, Washington 98504
Toll free voice: 800-622-2967
Via Fax:    (360) 586-1150
Via Internet: •••@••.•••

RE: Docket No. UT-950200
    Intel Motion to Intervene in USWEST ISDN proceeding

The WUTC web page is at:


INFORMATION POLICY NOTES is a free Internet newsletter sponsored
by the Taxpayer Assets Project (TAP) and the Consumer Project on
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Study of Responsive Law, which is run by Ralph Nader.  The
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 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland
 Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use.