Recent postings to Cyber-Rights


Audrie Krause

To Participants in the Cyber-Rights Discussion List,

I am concerned by the recent email exchanges on the Cyber-Rights discussion
list, and asked CPSR's system administrator to discontinue postings
temporarily while I drafted this message.  Both Richard and Craig have made
substantial contributions to CPSR through the Cyber-Rights discussion list,
as well as in other forums.  These contributions are valued and appreciated
by CPSR's Board of Directors
As CPSR's Executive Director, I would like to resolve this situation so
that all subscribers to this discussion list can resume the cordial
exchange of views that has characterized most of the Cyber-Rights
discussions in the past.  To that end, I am contacting both Richard and
Craig privately in order to bring closure to this matter.

I would also like to clarify the role of Working Groups within CPSR, in
hopes that we can avoid misunderstandings in the future.  Those of you with
web page access may find it helpful to review the FAQ about Working Groups
that CPSR Board Chair Doug Schuler has prepared.  Our web page URL is:

While the Cyber-Rights discussion list is open to all individuals who are
interested in participating in the discussion of relevant issues, the
Working Group itself, like all CPSR Working Groups, is limited as a matter
of Board policy to CPSR members.  (Non-members may participate only by

The policy adopted by the CPSR Board of Directors allows Working Groups to
publish and issue position statements and press releases in the name of the
Working Group, and requires that each Working Group have a Board liaison.
Positions adopted by Working Groups must have the support of a majority of
the members of the Working Group.  Members may not issue statements on
behalf of a Working Group if their position does not have the support of a
majority of the members of the Working Group. Obviously, any position or
statement issued by a Working Group must be consistent with positions and
policies adopted by CPSR's Board of Directors.

Since CPSR's membership is open to anyone who wants to join, non-members
who would like to have a voice in the Cyber-Rights Working Group are
encouraged to join CPSR.  While CPSR welcomes hearing from non-members on
Cyber-Rights and other discussion lists, non-members may not issue
statements or press releases on behalf of CPSR or any of its Working

In order to avoid future misunderstandings, I have asked CPSR's system
administrator to establish a separate list service for CPSR members who
want to participate in the Cyber-Rights Working Group, as distinct from
participation in the Cyber-Rights discussion list.  The Cyber-Rights
discussion list will remain open to non-members.  CPSR members who are
interested in participating in the Cyber-Rights Working Group should
contact the National Office (•••@••.•••) to subscribe to the new,
members-only Working Group list service.

Members and non-members who have questions or concerns are welcome to
contact me directly at: •••@••.•••.

Audrie Krause          CPSR Executive Director
PO Box 717   *   Palo Alto, CA     *     94302
Phone: (415) 322-3778   *  Fax: (415) 322-4748
*    *     E-mail: •••@••.•••     *    *
 *  Web Page: *