Re: Summary and looking ahead [cr-95/10/19]


Sender: •••@••.•••


Maybe while you were "cleaning up" Kurt's words, you could have cleaned up
"obscene" to "*bsc*ne" and "immoral" to "*mm*r*l" and "indecent" to "*nd*c*nt".
Yours was a perfect example of censorship for the "right" reason:  sensitivity.
I was once asked if I liked the movie "Reservoir Dogs", which I found 
revolting,but an excellent film.  I told the person that I could not watch it 
often, but
felt it was an excellent film.  I can be repulsed by something, but sometimes
need to see the truth of obscenity so that I know that it is still out there.
For the same reason, I have trouble with "Schindler's List"...I still need to
see the evil and hate that humans are capable of, in order to guard my heart.

As far as ratings, they are only guiding opinions.  I sometimes make it a point
to go to see movies that critics have panned, and have sometimes been
delightfully surprised.  But sometimes the critics are right, and I have
"wasted" my time...but it was not a waste, because I learned something, if only
which critics opinions I can trust.  I think that I would treat cyber-critics
in the same manner.

Thanks for listening.

Connie Page


Sender: •••@••.••• (Michael J. Lavery)
Subject: Re: Summary and looking ahead [cr-95/10/19]

At 2:36 AM 10/21/95, regarding  "Re: Summary and looking ahead
[cr-95/10/19]" it was written:

 > Why is it that we revolt when one person labels another "n--r", "k-ke",
 > or "g--k", but we smile when one person labels another's ideas and
 > expression as "obscene", "immoral", or "indecent".

 > [text elided]

 > (Moderator's note: I cleaned up Kurt's language, not out of fear of
 > censorship, but because I have often heard that people find the words
 > so offensive they get upset to see them, even when the context is
 > meant to criticize the use of the words.--Andy)

     I assume that the first paragraph is the one that has been "cleaned
     up". Just what is the difference between "cleaned up" and censored?
     Perhaps, is it for their own good. Censorship "out of fear of
     censorship"? Yea, I get the picture. Censorship is okey-dokey if for
     the CORRECT reason: You would not want people to "get upset". What a
     FREAKING LOAD OF self-rationalizing CRAP!  Yes, I ain't smiling. And I
     do know the meaning of irony; do YOU? Perhaps, labeling as "obscene",
     "immoral", or "indecent" is passe; the standard should be whether an
     idea is upsetting.or whether someone is offended. Why can't I be upset
     or offended at your action?
- - -
  Censorship, like charity, should begin at home, but unlike charity, it
  should end there.
                                     - Clare Boothe Luce (1903-1987)


Sender: "Gordon A. Lew" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: Summary and looking ahead [cr-95/10/19]

On 21 Oct 95 at 2:39, Cyber Rights wrote:
> (Moderator's note: I cleaned up Kurt's language, not out of fear of
> censorship, but because I have often heard that people find the words
> so offensive they get upset to see them, even when the context is
> meant to criticize the use of the words.--Andy)
"Cleaned up" infers that something was dirty.  In this instance, you
actually decided (for whatever reason) that you would censor parts of
his message.   I fail to see how someone who gets upset by words of
and by themselves would find any less offense in d--n than in damn.

So much for Kurt's cyber-rights - partially down the drain thanks to
>  ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~
>  Posted by Andrew Oram  - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR)
> You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages for non-commercial use,
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>  ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~
Gordon A. Lew

 Posted by Andrew Oram  - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR)
You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages for non-commercial use,
pursuant to any redistribution restrictions included in individual messages.