Sender: "Fred G. Athearn" <•••@••.•••> >>>>> "Richard" == Cyber Rights <•••@••.•••> writes: Richard> It'd be as if a building architect were to Richard> ignore the fact that a previous building on his Richard> site slid down the hill last time it rained. More like hiring the termites who ate the last building to design the new one. Richard> It is this layering system which has provided Richard> commodity communications and commodity Richard> equipment -- out of which it has been possible Richard> to assemble Internet from off-the-shelf Richard> components and services. Good point. We take this situation for granted, but it would not have happened without the old system of telecommunications regulation. If anyone doubts this just think of how easy it would have been for the phone companies to have kept full control of any digital communications via phone wires and to have managed the market in such a way as to only sell high priced business applications. Even in this area they would have likely forced people to use one a a few applications on the main frame of the company. They would have taken the position that they were in charge of the wires and (for technical reasons which only they understood) they had to control all data transmissions in order to protect the system. Richard> They knew exactly what they wanted, hired Richard> enough lobbyists and congress-folk to achieve Richard> it, and are now engaged in a merger-frenzy -- Richard> as a prelude to their anticipated Richard> feeding-frenzy. They are not losing any time with this here in the northeast what with the NYNEX/Bell Atlantic merger. They are saying that the reason they will only be laying about 5% of the workforce is that they will be expanding internet related activities. Richard> I invite everyone to wake up and smell the Richard> coffee, if they haven't already. I've been up for some time. (Hi Richard its been a while.) Richard> I can remember (as an adult) when it was Richard> illegal to attach a non-Bell phone set to your Richard> line, to use a non-Bell modem or extension Richard> cable, or to concentrate two calls onto one Richard> wire. Now some of the telco types are pushing for a law that would make it illegal to use voice over the internet with the intent to avoid long distance charges. (The remote wiretap capability the government intends to pay the telcos to add to switches would be necessary to enforce that naturally.) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sender: •••@••.••• (Bart Preecs) I'm not sure I agree with previous postings that the Telecomm Law is law and we might as well get used to it. I know the huge margins that passed the bill are intimidating, but I'm old enough to remember that the Tonkin Gulf resolution was passed by an equally bipartisan landslide, and the issue was ultimately revisted. Telecomm regulation was originally passed in 1927 and revisited in 1934. I don't think it's out of line to begin preparing public opinion for a second look at this issue. I think auction of TV spectrum may well open up a lot of possibilites for discussion. Especially if the news continues to be filled with mega mergers like Bell Atlantic-NYNEX and the PacTel-SWBell merger. Where's the competition? I have a much longer rant on the interesting subject of Congress and the CDA on my web page, and so will refrain from commenting on the debate over: Was Congress bribed? Or merely stupid ? What was crucial: $$$ from Telecomm or votes from Christian Coalition? One point I'd like help on. I remember seeing a comment to the effect that the House passed its version of the telecomm bill without a single minute of public hearings by any committee or subcommittee. The Senate had no hearings and only one hour of debate. Can this possibly be true? Bart Preecs 1629 Davison Ave, Richland WA 99352, USA Ph: 509-946-9076 / Fx: 509-946-8202 email: •••@••.••• 'Front Page, Home Page' ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) Cyber-Rights: CyberJournal: (WWW or FTP) --> Materials may be reposted in their _entirety_ for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~