cr> Proposal for a Democratic Communications Corporation


Richard Moore

And now, from out of the blue, a postive action proposal!

(It was also posted to Cyberspace Society.)


Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996
Sender: •••@••.••• (Allan Bradley)
Subject: Proposal for a Democratic Communications Corporation

I don't know the real interest here but I thought I would throw this out to

I would like to propose the formation of Non-profit Corporation dedicated
to establishing Democracy based advanced communications infrastructures.
The charter of this Corporation would be to provide support, methodologies,
tools, financing assistance and technical assistance for public and private
institutions that will focus community based networks.  The deliverables of
this corporation to its customers would be to assure the accurate, fair
documentation and cost modeling of *community* controlled networks that
will encompass all social, economic and cultural classes .  Primary focus
would be to education, healthcare, local government and public service
utilities in establishing financing, vendor support, logical/physical
distribution and technical engineering open standards.

The Democratic Communications Corporation (DCC) (It is not aligned with any
political party)  is a virtual corporation made up from a wide variety of
individual talents and expertise accross the nation coming together through
the Internet and advanced communications media technologies.  The structure
of the corporation would be as follows:

1. Board of Directors

Board of Directors would have expertise in a multidimensional fields
including, healthcare, education, technical systems/networking,
social/cultural sciences, legal affairs, government affairs, etc.  The
Board of Directors would consist of the governing body of the corporation
and would establish the corporation's goals, visions and operational
values.   Estimated hourly time commitments and participants - Yet to be

2. Partners

Partners run the core of the company operation and would require an hourly
remuneration equitable to their time commitment.  Partners expertise would
consist of the logistics coordination given contracts, billing, tracking,
costing and project coordination of community infrastructure distribution
attributes.  An established set of Partners would be required to define the
company's policies and procedures standard of operation.  Estimated hourly
time commitments and participants - Yet to be determined.

3. Associates

Associates consist of both socio-economic, management and network/systems
technical expertise.  Associates are either part time or full time
depending on community project loads.  Associates would be paid an hourly
fee depending on project complexity.  Efforts would be to first use local
expertise in the target community to minimize expense as created by a
national Talent Bank.   Estimated hourly time commitments and Talent Bank
definitions - Yet to be determined.

The business model of the Democratic Communications Corporation is a
layered approach specifically as defined by the unique local
characteristics given the following hierarchy:

| Community                 |
|   goals/vison               |
| Strategic Values          |
|   Benefits                    |
| Network Model           |
| Financing and Vendor |
|  support                      |
| Technologies,              |
|  Distribution, and        |
|  Bandwidth                 |
| Community                 |
| Participation               |

It will be the goal of the Democratic Communications Corporation (DCC) to
aid and assist on a non-profit  fixed fee basis (to be determined by a
operating cost formulas per project) to any community requiring special
assistance and aid in the establishment, design and coordination of large
community networks.  Special emphasis will be on financing approaches and
vendor participation in spreading costs of the community infrastructure
capital expenses overtime and to establish proper connectivity expenses on
a pay as able format. Consideration will be given to offset DCCs expenses
by entertaining a small percentage of community connection revenues .  It
is the goal and prime directive of the services of the Democratic
Communications Corporation to partner with all parties to establish a
profitable and viable community network set of services that will advance
the *total* economic viability of the community being served.

My company ConsulMetrix, Inc. CMI, has developed an intellectual property
that systemizes community infrastructure modeling attributes given
Technologies, Bandwidth and Distribution.  It also develops the economic
models for distribution (leasing) so that technologies are intelligently
applied.  I am prepared to offer an exclusive unlimited license for one
dollar to the Democratic Communications Corporation of sole use of this
program methodology.  This was developed through work with major
universities on multi million dollar networks in defining advanced
multimedia (voice, video and data) architectures.  We have been attempting
to work with the phone companies (i.e. Pacific Bell) but they are not
interested in generating objective models, with our company at any rate.  I
think this proves, regardless of CMI, the urgency of community tools and
services to allow more control in society defining its own infrastructure
interests with respect to community destiny engineering.

I think there is a lot of frustration on seeing what is going to happen
with valuable community communications resources.  I also think there are a
lot of good people that want to get involved if they just knew how.  I
would stress that this is at a concept level and it is just thrown out to
see what can be done.  I also stress that anyone and everyone whether a
Republican or Democrat get involved.  It really isn't a party issue.  It is
a community issue to us all.

Allan Bradley

ConsulMetrix, Inc.
Setting the Standards in Technology Consulting


 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland
 Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use.