cr> Edupage, 31 March 1996 (fwd)


Sender: Laura Goostree <•••@••.•••>

Something interesting from Edupage....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 19:06:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Edupage Editors <•••@••.•••>
To: EDUCOM Edupage Mailing List <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Edupage, 31 March 1996

Edupage, 31 March 1996.  Edupage, a summary of news items on information
technology, is provided three times each week as a service by Educom,
a Washington, D.C.-based consortium of leading colleges and universities
seeking to transform education through the use of information technology.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration has asked
the FCC to pass rules that would make subsidized telephone service more
readily available to disadvantaged and rural citizens.  NTIA noted that a
telephone not only connects "an individual to neighbors and loved ones but
with the addition of a computer and a modem, it furnishes a pathway to the
Information Age, offering enhanced employment and educational
opportunities."  Although the administration was careful not to
specifically include Internet access in its proposal, the director of
telecommunications and technology studies at the Cato Institute worries
that might come next:  "When they first talked about universal service as a
system of subsidies for rural service, I could live with that.  But what
concerns me now is that they seem to want to extend the universal service
doctrine to Internet access, cable TV access...  It's always been the case
that rich people buy things before poor people do.  Natural penetration
rates are different for different products.  You can't second-guess the
market."  (Los Angeles Times 30 Mar 96 D1)

Laura Goostree                      "Big Dog!  Big Dog!  Bow Wow Wow!
Internet: •••@••.•••          We'll Crush Evil...Now, Now, Now!"
CompuServe:      74353,2037                      Space Canine Patrol

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