Conferences [cr-95/9/15]


Sender: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: Brooklyn Conference

                                COMMUNICATIONS ON THE INTERNET?"

The Brooklyn Law School Cyberlaw Society is sponsoring a symposium on the
free speech battle on the Internet.  The symposium will be held on Thursday,
September 21, in the Subotnick Conference Center (10th Floor) at 7 p.m., 250
Joralemon Street, Brooklyn Heights, New York.

The following panelists are scheduled to participate:

Ann Beeson, American Civil Liberties Union

Robert Flores, United States Department of Justice, Acting Chief Deputy,
Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section

Thomas Hillard, National Writers Union

Bruce Taylor, National Law Center for Children and Families

Robert Peters, Morality in Media

Shoshana Davids, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom

Michael Bamberger, Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal

The moderator will be Professor Michael Madow, who teaches First Amendment
and Mass Media Law at Brooklyn Law School.  Professor Madow will lay the
foundation of the discussion with an overview of the various legal issues
involved.  Thereafter, the panelists will discuss their views and their
respective organization's efforts to influence the legislative battle on the
Internet regulation.

Before the symposium--- ROOM 504, 6:15 p.m.  As an introduction to the nature
of communications on the Internet, we will demonstrate a few examples of the
words and images that have generated the current controversy.

Seating is limited in the conference room, priority will be given to the
members of the Brooklyn Law School community.  Members of the public are
invited to attend.  For reservations, please email Dave
O'Connor<•••@••.•••>.  Please leave your full name in the body of the
letter.  On the night of the symposium you will be issued a name tag at the
front doors of the law school.

We hope you will attend.


Sender: samuel david winer <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Chicago Media Watch Conference (fwd)

Cyber righters,

Some of you living around Chicago may be interested in this...


Dave Winer                     "The fruits of all our labors have left
3157 Covenanter Drive           us as we started. To grow without is not
Bloomington, IN 47401           to grow within..."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 10:01:35 -0500 (EST)
From: Ted Frick <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Chicago Media Watch Conference (fwd)

A conference that may interest some of you, put on by Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility, the Chicago Chapter.  Chicago is
a 4 - 5 hour drive from Bloomington.

---------------------------- From:  Ted Frick -------------------------------
 Department of Instructional Systems Technology | Internet: •••@••.•••
 School of Education, Indiana University        | Phone:    812-856-8460
 Bloomington, IN 47405-1006, USA                | Fax:      812-856-8239
----------- -------------

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 95 18:13:42 CDT
From: donald goldhamer <•••@••.•••>
To: CPSR/Chicago <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Chicago Media Watch Conference

Please distribute widely.  Apologies for duplication.


                         MEDIA & DISINFORMATION:
                          DEMOCRACY IN CRISIS
                        Sunday, September 17, 1995

      DePaul University: Schmitt Academic Center, 2320 N. Kenmore

                  Sponsored by Chicago Media Watch and
                 Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)

Media & Disinformation will focus on the national crisis in mainstream
communications. Our goal is to bring together national experts who will
discuss  significant trends in the media in order to alert and educate the
public about the growing threat to information diversity and the
implications for our society.

This gathering will be an important first for Chicago: a hard-hitting look
at the way Americans now receive information critical to making informed
decisions. We will address what can be done in response.

Co-sponsors: DePaul University Political Science and Communications
departments, Chicago Coalition for Information Access, The Nation

For more conference information call

Moderator:  Ken Davis, former WBEZ Program Manager & News Director

               CONFERENCE SCHEDULE  - September 17, 1995

8:00-9:15 a.m. -- Registration

9:30-10:45  Telling it like it isn't: Corporate/ Government Control of the
Mainstream Press

   --David Barsamian: Producer and host of Alternative Radio - a program
that offers viewpoints on major issues that are generally not covered by
the mainstream press.  It is syndicated on over 100 radio stations
throughout North America.

   --Robert Parry:  An award-winning investigative journalist and author of
Fooling America:  The Manufacture of Conventional Wisdom and Trick or
Treason.  As a journalist, Parry broke the story of Oliver North and the
White House connection in the Iran-Contra scandal. He is a former
correspondent for Newsweek and Associated Press.

11:00 -- 12:15  Greenwashing, Propaganda, and the Manufacturing of Consent

   --Jon Entine:  Award-winning investigative journalist and former ABC
Primetime producer who has exposed the greenwashing tactics used by
corporate America.

   --Janine Jackson:  Research director for Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting (FAIR). She co-hosts a weekly radio show,  Counterspin,  a
program of media criticism that is syndicated on over 80 stations around
the country.  Ms. Jackson has appeared on Nightline, Geraldo, and CNN's
Inside Business.

   --John Stauber:   Executive Director, Center for Media & Democracy,
Editor, PR Watch.  Co-author of the forthcoming, Toxic Sludge is Good for
You:  Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry.

12:30 - 1:15  --Lunch:  Brown Bag or DePaul Cafeteria

1:15 -- 2: 30  The Constitution and the Information Superhighway : Hope or

   --Alice Calabrase: Executive Director, Illinois Regional State Library
System.  Former White House advisory committee member on information access

   --Abdul Alkalimat:  Associate Professor, African-American Studies at
Northeastern University.  He is an author, senior editor and owner of
Twenty-first Century Books and Publications.

2:45--4:00  Breakout Sessions:

Panelists will be available for discussion about the issues raised in the
morning. Conference participants will address their own issues and dialogue
with the speakers at these sessions.

        Panel I Moderator: Dr. Harry Wray, Chair., Department of Political
Science, DePaul University.
        Panel II Moderator: Dr. Sarah Wortman, Chair., Department of Comm.,
DePaul University.
        Panel III Moderator: --Marilyn Borgendale, Library Systems
Coordinator, UIC. Chicago Coalition for Information Access.

4:00 -- 4:45 Call to action - Media  and Organizing: New Ideas for the 90's

   --Ron Daniels,  is the former head of the National Rainbow Coalition and
deputy director of the 1988 Jesse Jackson campaign.  He is presently the
Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a national
civil rights organization based in New York City.


Media & Disinformation Conference  Reply Form:
                For more info call 312-604-1910
                Make checks out to Chicago Media Watch
                Please mail to: Chicago Media Watch, P.O. Box 4014,
Chicago, IL  60654-0014

Address:    ___________________________City _______________Zip
Telephone:  __________________  Fax: _________________________
Amount Enclosed: _______________________

              $10 - Students, seniors and unemployed
              $20 - Regular admission
              $50 - Organizational co-sponsor:  2 tickets
              $100 - Sustainer: 2 tickets and optional sponsor table
              $250 - Angel

 Posted by --  Andrew Oram  --  •••@••.••• --  Cambridge, Mass., USA
                 Moderator:  CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR)

    World Wide Web:

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