Amer. Library Ass’n: “A Nation Connected” [cr-951221]


Richard Moore

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995
>From: Susan Evoy <•••@••.•••>
To: "Multiple recipients of list •••@••.•••"
Subject: ALA "A Nation Connected"

For Immediate Release                         From: Pamela Goodes
December 1995                                       Linda Wallace
                                               312-280-5043, 5042

ALA to sponsor "A Nation Connected" summit
     "A Nation Connected: Defining the Public Interest in the
Information Superhighway" is the title of a summit meeting called
by the American Library Association (ALA) to examine how the
revolution in information technology will affect the public.
     Chaired by ALA President Betty Turock, the summit will be held
Tuesday, February 20, 1996, at the Annenberg Center at Eisenhower,
Rancho Mirage, Calif., with nationally known experts representing
the arts, humanities, education, government, health care,
telecommunications, libraries and other fields.
     "The American public is being barraged with promises and
proposals in a rapidly changing electronic information
environment," Turock explained. "Amid the rhetoric, critical
questions emerge about who will reap the benefits.
     "ALA is in a unique position to champion the public interest
in the information superhighway.  I consider this summit the
centerpiece of my year as ALA president and a critical step toward
achieving ALA Goal 2000."
     Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree, who served as
moderator of the widely acclaimed PBS series, "Ethics in America,"
will moderate the summit.  Panelists include Arno Penzias, Nobel
Prize-winner and vice president
of AT&T Labs; Andrew Blau, director, Communications Policy Program
for the Benton Foundation; Esther Dyson, president of EDventure
Holdings and newly-
appointed chair of the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Kathleen
Smyth, director of the Alzheimer's Disease Support Center at the
University Hospitals of Cleveland, winner of a National Information
Infrastructure Award; Craig Howe, director of the D'Arcy McNickle
Center for the History of the American Indian; Reed Tuckson,
president, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science;
Herbert Schiller, professor of communications, University of
California at San Diego; Gwendolyn Calvert Baker, president and
chief executive officer of the U.S. Committee for UNICEF; Anne
Branscomb, communications consultant at the Harvard University
Program on Information Resources Policy, and Deborah Kaplan, vice
president, Division on Technology Policy, of the World Institute on
     The summit is designed to serve as a model for a series of
"mini-summits" to be held throughout the country. The proceedings
will be videotaped and highlights made available. A "white paper"
with the panelists' presentations and reaction statements by
library leaders will be published and distributed widely to
policymakers, the media and others. The summit proceedings will
serve as the focus of discussion at the President's Program during
the ALA Annual Conference in New York City, July 4-10, 1996.  The
conference theme, selected by Turock, is "Equity on the Information
Super-Highway: Problems and Possibilities."
      Library associations in Illinois, Texas and New York have
announced plans for mini-summits that will bring together
librarians, advocates and public officials for similar discussions
in their states. REFORMA, the National Association to Promote
Library Services to the Spanish Speaking, will hold a mini-summit
as part of its first national conference to be held in August 1996
in Austin, Texas.
     The summit will be hosted by the Annenberg Center for Health
Sciences at Eisenhower. Funding has been provided, in part, by the
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg
     For more information, contact: Barb Macikas, ALA, 50 E. Huron
St., Chicago, IL  60611. Telephone: 800-545-2433, ext. 3201, or
312-280-3201. Telephone: 312-280-3256. E-mail:


 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland

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