ACS/EFA on Net Regulation [cr-95/10/7]


Richard Moore

Dear CR,

This likes one of the simplest and most sensible proposals for regulation
of Internet content I've seen.  #3, especially, makes sense, and would
preserve open dialog on the net.  I'm not convinced #2 is totally valid.
#1 is long overdue -- the net community seems to be largely ignored by
legislators, at least in the U.S., in discussing the future of cyberspace.


To: Isoc-Membership:;
Subject: ISOC Forum 02 October 1995
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 1995 17:05:46 -0400
From: Wendy Rickard Bollentin <•••@••.•••>


                         THE I S O C FORUM

international electronic publication of the Internet Society

2 October  1995       * * * * * * * * * *       Vol. 1, No. 3


ISOC Forum is a twice-monthly electronic newsletter of the Internet
Society composed of timely information about Internet-related products
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The Australian Computer Society has released an analysis of the DOCA
Consultation Paper on the Regulation of Online Information Services by the
ACS/EFA (Electronic Frontiers Australia) Joint Task Force (JTF 1995).
According to the release, the ACS is not pro- or anti-network regulation,
so much as interested in assisting the community in making choices on the
use of technology for community benefit. The ACS position is that:

1. Dialogue must be encouraged between public policy makers and the online
community to discuss workable solutions to controlling potentially
offensive information. This should be done using the Internet itself to
maximize the amount of input from the online community and help public
policy makers learn about the new medium.

2. Pre-classification of Internet material, as is done for film
censorship, is unworkable.

3. Existing laws on liability for speech and information should be
revised, where necessary, to be technology neutral.

4. Information carriers should not be held responsible for content that
they are not involved in the production of.

5. Internet software authors should be encouraged to add blocking
and monitoring facilities for parents to control what their children are

6. An education campaign on safe use of the Internet should be conducted
for parents and children.

7. Codes of conduct for system operators should be encouraged.

For more information, contact Tom Worthington at


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 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland (USA citizen)
                            cyber-rights co-leader