cr#1296> FYI: CPSR at Jan. 18 ISOC-DC event in DC


Richard Moore

>From: "Craig A. Johnson" <•••@••.•••>
Date:          Tue, 9 Jan 1996


I am attaching below an announcement for an event to be
held here next week, put on by the DC-Internet Society and CPSR, etc.

You will note Audrie Krause will be here representing CPSR.  You may
not have noticed but she has been flogging Andy's analysis, which was
adopted by the CPSR as an official position paper, on various lists.


I will attend, and raise
appropriate questions/issues when the opportunity arises.


Best wishes,


Craig A. Johnson
Telecommunications/Information Policy Specialist
Transnational Data Reporting Service, Inc.


Date sent:        Tue, 9 Jan 1996
From:             •••@••.••• (William J. Drake)
To:               Multiple recipients of list <•••@••.•••>
Subject:          Jan. 18 ISOC-DC event on the legislation


People in the beltway might be interested in this event.  The shut
down screwed up our planning since it's at the Smithsonian, so we're
now getting the announcement out on rather short notice.  So if you
have any friends or enemies who might be interested, please do pass
this along.  Thanks much,


----------------< Announcement >----------------------------------

The Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society (DC-ISOC)
announces its next event, co-sponsored by the Office of the Senior
Information Officer of the Smithsonian Institution, Computer Professionals
for Social Responsibility (Washington D.C. chapter), The Global
Telecommunications Society, and The Institute for Computer and
Telecommunication Systems Policy, George Washington University




         When:  Thursday, January 18, 1996
                7:00 - 9:00 pm

        Where:  Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Auditorium
                Freer Gallery of Art
                Independence Ave and 12 St., S.W.
                Washington, D.C.
                (directions at end of announcement)

        Purpose:  To evaluate the impact of the pending rewrite of the
Communications Act of America on both the Internet (e.g. censorship,
universal access, etc.) and the broader  NII (e.g. competition and
concentration of ownership in media markets, the promotion of noncommercial
spaces, public interest safeguards, etc).


Ross Stapleton-Gray, Chair, ISOC-DC (moderator)

Bill Drake, Asst. Prof., UC San Diego/Congressionial Fellow, Washington D.C.

Tom Kalil, Director to the National Economic Council, The White House

Audrie Krause, Exec. Director, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility

Nancy Watzman, Director, The Cashing In Project, The Center for Responsive

Chris Casey, Technology Advisor, Democratic Technology and Communications
Committee, U.S. Senate

Brock Meeks, journalist

------------------- Location information ---------------------------

This event will be held in the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., e
northeast corner of Independence Avenue and 12th St., SW. Use the entrance
on the Independence Avenue side of the building (there is a street-level
wheelchair entrance as well).

Smithsonian metro stop on the Blue or Orange lines.
Take the Independence Ave./Holocaust museum exit.  The
Freer Gallery is diagonally across the street.

Street parking is available after 6:30 pm on the Mall,
on Independence Avenue and on l'Enfant Promenade.

William Drake
UC San Diego/Congressional Fellow
Washington, D.C.
Tel/Fax: (202) 232-4734
Email: •••@••.•••

Editor, The New Information Infrastructure: Strategies for U.S. Policy
(book published September 1995);  annotated table of contents at----


 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland
 Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use.