cr> Time Warner Executive on Competition (fwd)


Richard Moore

Date: Sun, 24 Mar 1996
From: •••@••.••• (MR NEIL J LEHTO)
To: Multiple recipients of list <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Time Warner Executive on Competition

Here's a great quote from Marsha Rockey Schermer, vice president,
regulatory, Midwest region, Time Warner Communications, in an op ed
piece published in The Multichannel News on August 254, 1995:

"As we collectively work to lower competitive entry barriers, we need
to be careful not to too hastily assume that exact reciprocity is fair.
The proverbial level playing field is not created by applying exactly
the same requirements to all players. Handicapping is in order as the
staged entry of competitors is overseen by government. Flash-cut
deregulation of a monopoly with the certainty of competition is a very
bad idea."