cr> Marty Tennant: Action Alert


Richard Moore

Dear CR,

I think it might make sense for cyber-rights to get involved in this effort.


Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996
Sender: •••@••.••• (Marty Tennant)
Subject: Action Alert - Organization Needed!!

Now that the shock, disbelief, anger and other emotions are subsiding, and
the legal challenges are progressing, I must agree with various commentators
that it is time to get on with the business at hand - namely business.

The only way for a power grab of the recent magnitude to be challenged, is
by an equally powerful grab of power in return.  This will require active
FCC, Congressional and business challenges to the established structure.

I, for one, will be meeting with the National Federation of Independent
Business in Washington this week to discuss the anti-small business language
in the new law.  They are already prepared to bring this issue up in small
business committees in the House and Senate.  IMO, NFIB is the best lobbying
arm for small business in the Nation.

I will also be meeting with the FCC to discuss a long standing proceeding
that has been waiting on the telecom bill before a ruling was handed down.
This proceeding, Docket 91-346, "In the Matter Concerning Intelligent
Networks" is, IMO, the last best hope for small business equal access and
interconnection until the "Market Entry Barrier Proceeding" is conducted by
the FCC.

I am doing this because I have personal economic stakes in the
telecommunications business.  I have analyzed the law and have made myself
aware of the current regulatory climate and expected actions.  Although I am
disturbed by the current structure that has allowed this to happen, I am not
resigned to a collective fate of playing a second rate role in the future as
the law would have me do.

The most important thing that small telecommunications businesses, small
Internet Access Providers, small computer sales and service companies, and
BBS operators can do at this point is to ORGANIZE.  We must all recognize
the powerful position we are in by virtue of our technical savvy.  We are
already on the leading edge of technology, and we have a superior collective
ability to solve customer problems and answer technical questions.  Compare
this to your typical telephone company business office service rep, who has
enough problems just taking an order for plain old telephone service.

I have a vision that requires organizing businesses in all fifty states.  It
will require legal and technical experts and a broadbased source of funding
to make it work.  It will require active and individual monitoring of state
public utility commissions, with involvement there and before the FCC.  The
Net would be used to its full advantage for business and organizing
purposes.   Emerging technologies that scare the daylights out of the big
boys will be analyzed, monitored and recommended for appropriate future
deployment.  Resale provisions in the law and current regulations will be
leveraged to give small companies the access and interconnection capability
required to be full players in the new environment.

Existing organizations that represent the above mentioned small businesses
will need to be contacted, with an eye towards close cooperation or
consolidation.  Failing that, a new, more responsive organizing entity will
need to be established, that will lead the way towards full participation in
the future economic, social, technical, legal and regulatory environment.

These are large tasks that will require funding, committment and a
dedication towards achieving goals for the collective good.  The ability to
focus on a vision, while continuing to struggle for its establishment, is
nothing less than has been achieved when past social and economic struggles
required the same.

We are now in a situation where our actions, and the collective power that
they yield, can influence the course of the future.  I therefore propose the

STEP #1.  Identify the current business organizations that represent small
telecommunications companies, small Internet Service Providers, computer
sales and service companies, and BBS operators.

STEP #2.  Convene a cyber-meeting of the heads of these organizations to
discuss the approach outlined above.  This meeting will determine the next
course of action.

I would like to open this whole discussion to debate, and see if there is
support for this approach.  If individuals are aware of existing
organizations that fit the bill in step #1, please come forward so we can
contact them and start this discussion.

I look forward to the replies to this post.  If I have left any business
entities out of my list above, please identify yourself and we will include
you and your business organization too.

The time for action and organization is now!

Marty Tennant
President - Low Tech Designs, Inc.
405 Poinsett Rd.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

803 497-2898 voice
803 497-0822 fax

Email:  •••@••.•••


 Posted by Richard K. Moore  -  •••@••.•••  -  Wexford, Ireland
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