cr> **IMPORTANT** – CDA WEB PAGE on Content Restrictions


Craig A. Johnson

I am happy to announce that Robert Cannon, Esq., of Washington, D.C., 
who is aiding CPSR in its legal efforts on the ACLU suit, has 
prepared a first-rate information page on CDA content restrictions.

We intend to place this on the CPSR home page, but we would like
comments, questions, and suggestions before we do so.  We also
intend to prepare a shorter one to two-page FAQ for the home page,
distilled from this more complete description.

Please take a few moments to check out the draft on Bob's home page
-- <>.

Please send e-mail comments to Bob at <•••@••.•••>, with a 
copy to me at <•••@••.•••>.

Thanks for your help.

Craig A. Johnson
CPSR Liason with the ACLU on ACLU et. al. v. Reno
CPSR Cyber Rights Working Group Co-Leader