cr> Freematt’s censorship discussion list


Sender: •••@••.•••

Thought folks might be interested in this new list.  I've found the info
useful and have even spotted stuff here to send to you.  Earlier this week in
the fight-censorship mailing list, Jim Warren  wrote the following about it:

(FWIW) I recommend this relatively new list -- informative, provocative,

Jim Warren, GovAccess list-owner/editor (•••@••.•••)
Advocate & columnist, MicroTimes, Government Technology, etc.

New Mailing List Freematt's Alerts; Pro-Individual Rights Issues.

Freematt's Alerts is a private moderated list dealing with pro-individual
rights issues.  Special attention is given to censorship and free speech
concerns. (Volume of 7-15 messages per week).

To subscribe send a blank message to •••@••.••• with the words
Subscribe FA in the subject field.

List is owned by Matthew Gaylor <•••@••.•••>.  Send any questions or
comments to Matthew Gaylor <•••@••.•••>

Yours against censorship together,
Bobby Lilly, Chairperson
Californians Against Censorship Together
Defending your right to freedom of expression,
especially sexual expression, since July of 1986.


(from BBC shortwave)
   LONDON - Britain has concluded that legislation cannot in itself
   control the burgeoning content of the Internet global network of
   computers and is proposing instead a voluntary approach led by

   Speaking at a conference, British Science and Technology Minister Ian
   Taylor said the failure of a recent attempt by a leading Internet
   company to restrict access to its service in Germany after a crackdown
   by authorities there showed the Internet was still largely beyond the
   law. (This was reference to Compusux attempt to control
   access to around 200 "newsgroups" -- access is since said to have been

   "An imposed regulatory regime is not likely to solve all our
   problems," he said. "The British government's preference is for a
   voluntary approach. It is in the commercial interest (of industry) to
   meet public concerns."

   Taylor said the Internet's explosive growth had been largely the
   result of this freedom and Britain was concerned that legislation
   might stunt further development of new services and companies hoping
   to use the network.

   The British government had met with the newly formed British Internet
   Service Providers' Association and backed the code of practice it was
   developing for its members, he said.

   Last month the European Parliament voted to seek a toughening of the
   law surrounding new media services and the European Council of
   Ministers is set to decide a common European approach to the issue in
   June. But, according to the BBC story, the Council, along with the
   European Commission, is thought generally to oppose wider Internet


                    For Immediate Release


         A New Book Investigating Sex on the Internet
        is Pre-Published, Free, via the World Wide Web


While the fate of online freedoms is being determined by
federal judges in Philadelphia, a contributing writer to
Wired magazine has decided to give away his investigative
book on the subject.

Charles Platt spent six months gathering data about netporn
for a book to be published later this year by HarperCollins.

According to Platt, "My publishers hoped to rush the book
into print. When their plans changed as a result of factors
outside my control, I decided the material was so topical and
so important, it should be placed freely on web sites."

Titled ANARCHY ONLINE, the book is divided into two parts.
The first deals with net crimes such as hacking, viruses, and
data piracy. Platt includes first-hand descriptions of
hackers and pirates and debunks myths created by melodramatic
press coverage.

Part Two of the book explores free speech online and examines
netporn more frankly and in greater depth than has been
achieved elsewhere. Platt concludes that although a genuine
problem does exist, a "war on porn" will be as unwinnable,
expensive, and divisive as the "war on drugs."

Part Two of the book contains about 65,000 words and is being
placed online in its entirety. It includes transcripts from
pornographic IRC chat sessions and sexually oriented Usenet
news groups; a look at pedophilia on America Online; a new,
damning investigation of Martin Rimm (whose porn study was
immortalized in Time magazine); and a reassessment of issues
raised by Jake Baker (who faced years in jail after he placed
sadistic stories on Usenet). Platt also examines federal
attempts to control encryption; the Guardian Angels;
anonymous remailers; repressive laws at the state level;
content-filtering software; and content rating schemes. There
are exclusive interviews with Scott Charney at the Department
of Justice, Ann Beeson of ACLU, Louis Rossetto and Kevin
Kelly of Wired magazine, anti-child-porn crusader Barry
Crimmins, David Chaum of DigiCash, and Phil Zimmermann,
creator of PGP. Many other industry figures and commentators
make cameo appearances.

Platt concludes that net fears have been exaggerated and
demands for censorship are unwarranted. "Most people who want
to censor the net don't use it and are willfully ignorant of
it. They tend to be religious extremists and opportunistic
legislators looking for a hot-button issue. I question their
right to inflict laws on a community that they don't live in
and know nothing about."

Platt feels that if widely available methods are used to
control access by children, the net can be safer than a day-
care center. "My daughter started net surfing when she was
15. Even if children have totally unrestricted access, the
net is still more benign than most real-world environments. I
believe this is thoroughly substantiated by my book."

ANARCHY ONLINE is freely available at

Charles Platt is the author of 40 books, ranging from
computer guides to science fiction. His novel PROTEKTOR was
published this year by Avon Books. He is a contributing
writer to Wired magazine and has an article on net censorship
in the current issue, dated April.

Platt can be contacted at (212) 929 3983 or via email at


 Posted by Andrew Oram  - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR)
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