Pointers from moderator: A group of U.S. Senators have introduce a bill designed to loosen the restrictions on exporting encryption. This bill would make it easier for computer and networking software to include encryption--but there are compromises with the Clipper chip plan and other concessions. If you'd like to see newsletters from EFF, VTW, and CDT examining the bill, email me. Also, a member of the list sent a long post-mortem of the Decency Act and why it passed. The article has some good lessons, email me if you want it. Andy ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) Cyber-Rights: http://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/nii/cyber-rights/ ftp://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/nii/cyber-rights/library/ CyberJournal: (WWW or FTP) --> ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore Materials may be reposted in their _entirety_ for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~