cr> misc. briefs, announcements


Richard Moore

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996
From: •••@••.•••
To: Multiple recipients of list <•••@••.•••>

The pending telecom deregulation bill will be the topic of
conversation on this week's NPR Science Friday show, in the
3 PM to 4 PM (EST) segment.

I'll be one of the guests.  While they've specifically asked
me to focus on policy issues (I assume because someone down
there read my new book, Civilizing Cyberspace), the conversation
is open to respond to whatever direction the callers prompt it
to go.

So, I urging all of you to dial in to your local NPR station and
call in to either make a statement or ask a question that raises
the kinds of issues that the country ought to be discussing about
this vital topic.

Steve Miller

Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996
Sender: Gary Weston <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: cr> re2: QUESTION of open net survival

CjBlack attributes the impending disaster of the so-called
"telecommunications reform" to the old farts in Washington.

Never let it be said that the old farts aren't just as corruptible as
anyone else, however my chronological peers have no monopoly to attack
our freedoms.

The folks leading the charge for this bill are the GOP freshman, who have
few, if any, old farts among them.

In fact, those trying to hold the fort against this bill are mostly old
farts, but the GOP pischers are doing their best to ride roughshod over

Gary Weston

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996
Sender: Bill W Smith Jr <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: cr> Scientology wins summary judgment

At 06:16 AM 1/25/96 -0800, Henri wrote:
{The judge in this case, Brinkema, said:
>"Were they arguing to a religious council placed within a
>theocratic government, RTC's arguments might prevail.  But this Court
>is a secular branch of a secular democratic government.  Our traditional
>separation of church from the state, combined with the heterogeneity of
>religious practices in this country compel us to reject the RTC's
>arguments.  "While the Free Exercise Clause clearly prohibits the use of
>state action to deny the rights of free exercise to anyone, it has never
>meant that a majority could use the machinery of the State to practice its
>beliefs." Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 57 (1985).  In the same vein,
>RTC may not employ the machinery of this Court to enforce its
>religious prescriptions against The Post by enjoining otherwise
>permissible activity."  Judge Leonie Brinkema, Nov 29, 1995

Wait a minute!!! Did she just say what I think she said? That the guarantees of
Freedom of Religion ONLY apply if you are Christian becuase that is the
dominant religion in America? As a neo-pagan that scares me shitless!

Blessed Be

Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996
From: <name withheld on request>

Gary Weston wrote:
>The other aspect of this that bothers me is that there is absolutely no
>question in my mind that the NSA, CIA, FBI, and god knows who else are
>busy monitoring anything they can monitor.  I don't know that I've added
>anything to my file with any federal agency since I've been on the net,
>but I suspect it could happen if some of my traffic containing a key word
>or two happened to be picked up in a random sweep.  While there doesn't
>appear to be much we can do about the snoops, it is worth trying to get
>our elected representatives to hold off the monopolies for a while.

Here is one idea to frustrate the snoops: Always append a file at
the end of every transmission that contains a long list of
key words related to highly controversial or dangerous topics:
nuclear weapons, underage pornography, drugs, terrorism, explosives,
firearms, white slavery, etc. along with the name of every component,
company name, association name, known criminal name,
and slang word that has every been known to be associated with
those topics. This could overload their snooping capability, since they'd
be having millions of hits every day. From time to time, rearrange the
words to thwart any logic they put in their software to detect exact
wording of such known files. Get everyone you know to do this;
as there is tremendous antisnoop sentiment on the Net, you should get
a lot of cooperation.


 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland
 Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use.